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Kettler Stroker Rowing Machine Review 2022 – 2023

Last Updated on January 24, 2023

Kettler Stroker Rowing Machine

Rowing machines are a great alternative to the treadmill and other cardio machines because they offer an effective full body workout without all the risks of high-impact exercise. Because the rowing machine involves sitting down and completing a backwards-and-forwards rowing motion, a lot of the pressure is taken off your joints, back and legs and so if you are performing the motion correctly you should get all the benefits of intense exercise without having to worry about injury.

Why Buy a Rowing Machine?

When you are looking for fitness equipment for personal use within your home you will want to invest in a machine that can give you as thorough a workout as possible. Some machines just focus on upper or lower body strength and others may just focus on a single group of muscles so if overall fitness is important to you a rowing machine may be the right choice.  You can use a rowing machine to work on most of your major muscle groups including your upper body, lower body, core, back and glutes and so if you continue to use the machine and improve over time you will see a big difference in your fitness levels and general health.

We understand that shopping for rowing machines can be quite confusing and you might not know where to begin or which product to trust. Today we are reviewing the Kettler Stroker Rowing Machine (CHECK PRICE!) which is a mid-range, versatile rower that will help you reach and exceed your fitness goals. Read on to find out more about this product and learn more about rowing machines in general.

Kettler Stroker Rowing Machine Review 2015 - 2016Kettler Stroker Rowing Machine

Resistance Levels

The Kettler Stroker Rowing Machine has 8 resistance levels which can be selected manually. The amount of resistance levels a rowing machine has will depend on its price and features, but when selecting a machine you should make sure that you have at least 6 resistance levels to choose from.

If you use the machine regularly and you vary the pace of your workout you will find that you improve quite quickly, so it is important that you have room for improvement or the exercise will become too easy, your body will stop having to push itself and you won’t improve as much. 8 resistance levels should keep you busy for quite a while, so this is definitely an important feature of the Kettler Stroker Machine.


Most decent rowing machines will come with a monitor that will display your workout information such as the amount of time you have been working out, the amount of calories you have burned and your speed. This information is really useful because it can help you keep on track and work towards any specific goals you may have.

This Kettler Stroker machine will display 5 workout statistics every time you work out and you can use this information to tailor your workout towards specific goals. If for example you want to burn 200 calories a day you can use the information on the screen to make sure you don’t stop working out before you’ve reached your target.

This machine also lets the user set different targets for each session to ensure you stay on track and personalise your workout experience. You can also take a pulse recovery test to check how long it takes you to recover from an intense workout session, which is handy information and will keep you from over or under working yourself.

Foot Straps

When you use a rowing machine you will normally sit on a seat, strap your feet into foot straps and push yourself backwards and forwards as you do the rowing motion with your arms. This can sometimes make the exercise harder for significantly tall or significantly short people because the foot plates provided may not be a comfortable size.

This Kettler Stroker rowing machine comes with pivoting foot plates and fully adjustable foot straps so you can customize the machine to fit your shoe size.

Transport and Storage

Some people are put off buying personal gym equipment because they don’t think they have the space and/or they are worried that they won’t be able to transport the machine into the required location because it will be too heavy. These are pretty valid concerns because a lot of exercise machines do tend to be large, bulky and difficult to store.

The Kettler Stroker comes with wheels which make it far easier to transport the machine from room to room, and this rowing machine can also be folded so it takes up less space and can be stored if needs be.


This Kettler Stroker rowing machine comes with a 3 year parts and labour warranty. This is a really important perk because this particular warranty will not only protect you against accidental damages for the next three years but it also covers labour costs. This means that if the machine has to be fixed you can have it repaired at no additional cost as long as you are within the set time period which can save you a lot of money and hassle.

Long warranties are a good sign because they show that the manufacturer has enough faith in their product to set the warranty in the first place. It wouldn’t make a lot of sense to give a flimsy and badly made product a large warranty because the company would have to keep paying out, so strictly speaking the length of a warranty (or the absence of a warranty) can be a good indication of the quality of a product.


Features: 8 Resistance Levels – Digital Display- Possible to Personalise Workout – Adjustable Foot Straps – Wheels for Easy Transport – Fold-able – 3 Year Warranty.

Pricing: Mid-Range/ High-End.

If you are looking for a quality rowing machine that has enough features to keep you busy for a long period of time then the Kettler Stroker is a good choice for you. It is easy to transport, it can be folded and stored to clear space, it has an impressive warranty and you can use it to personalise your workout and focus on your own goals.

If you are looking for a budget buy then this may not be the right choice for you, but if you have some extra money and you’re looking for a long-term investment this could be the right rowing machine for you.

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About the author 

A star athlete during his school days, Kieran quickly excelled at sports and in particular; football. Kieran's true passion lies in home exercise equipment, and so was was built as a source for all of Kieran's thoughts to be put down on a medium. Here he guides you through various nuances of working out at home, tips, guides, reviews and more.The only other thing Kieran enjoys more than working out, is writing about it.
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