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Are Pre-Workout Drinks Usually Keto? Find Out Here!

Published by Kieran
Last Updated on July 5, 2022

Pre-Workout Drinks On The Ketogenic Diet

The answer is no, pre-workout drinks generally contain non-Keto ingredients. This means that any pre-workout drink will not be Keto friendly and should be avoided by someone on the Keto diet.

Pre-workout drinks have been a mainstay in the fitness world for as long as there have been gyms. But they’re also extremely popular among people who are trying to lose weight and get healthier, which means that keto-ers often want to know if they can still drink them!

Pre-Workout Drinks 

Pre-workout drinks are not just desirable but often necessary to take your exercise routine to the next level. They give you a boost of energy. The reason is that they can help you get the most out of your workout, helping you push harder and go further while keeping you safe from injury by reducing fatigue and increasing energy levels. They also help reduce muscle soreness, which means no more feeling terrible afterward!

So now that we know how awesome pre-workout drinks are for helping us reach our fitness goals faster, let’s look at whether or not they are keto-friendly.

They Help You Push Harder 

Pre-workout supplements are commonly used by people trying to lose weight, gain weight, stay healthy and get fit. Here’s how they work:

  • They help you push harder and go further while keeping you safe from injury by reducing fatigue and increasing energy levels.
  • They give your body just the right amount of fuel so that it has enough energy to complete your goal workout without crashing or burning out too quickly.
  • They contain ingredients that boost mental focus and alertness which helps prevent injuries during exercise.

Drinking Pre-Workout Energy Boosters Without Hindering Your Progress?

The answer to this question depends on the ingredients in your pre-workout drink. While some pre-workouts are indeed keto-friendly, others aren’t. Some are low in calories, and others are high in carbs. To help you figure out which ones fit into your diet plan best, here’s a list of the pros and cons of each type:

  • Perfect Keto-friendly: These drinks contain no artificial sweeteners or sugars, so they won’t spike your blood sugar levels as regular energy drinks do. They also have fewer carbs than most other types of performance enhancers. The downside is that because they don’t provide any substance besides caffeine (which has zero calories), these types of energy boosters can leave you feeling drained after an hour or two if you don’t eat enough food beforehand.*
  • Low calorie/low carb: These types of pre-workouts usually contain lots of stimulants like caffeine or green tea extract—but not much else besides water! Because these supplements tend to be low on both sugar and carbohydrates (and sometimes even protein), they’re great if fat loss is one part of your goal when choosing keto meal plans based on macronutrients instead.*
  • High calorie/high carb: These options typically contain many grams per serving because they’re designed for people who want more energy throughout their day without having too much caffeine intake before bedtime—or maybe even sleep aid pills! While these products may be helpful during the initial stages when someone first starts using them while trying ketogenic diets without getting used up by them.*

Well, That Depends On What’s In The Drink!

Whether or not you can drink pre-workout drinks depends on what’s in the drink. If you’re on a ketogenic diet, avoiding pre-workout drinks containing sugar is important. By definition, ketogenic diets are high in fat and low in carbohydrates; therefore, they create an environment for your body to burn fat as fuel rather than glucose (which is the main energy source for non-keto people).

The reason for this is that when there’s more fat available than carbohydrates, your body will choose to use more of its own fat stores as fuel. For example: if someone eats a meal consisting of 100g carbs and 100g fat but only burns 50g carbs during exercise (and thus has 50g left over), they’ll be able to utilize some of those extra carbohydrates since their body will still be burning sugar from the food they ate earlier while exercising at lower intensity levels like walking instead of running full speed ahead towards their goal line with no hesitation!

In order words: yes! If you’re on a keto diet then we recommend avoiding pre-workouts with artificial sweeteners or sugar alcohols because these two ingredients aren’t considered “low-carb” foods under any circumstances even though many people claim otherwise (including myself!). On top of that though…

Most Will Not Be Keto-Friendly 

There are many pre-workout drinks on the market, but not all of them are keto-friendly. The most common ingredients found in these drinks include caffeine, sugar, and artificial sweeteners.

Caffeine can be a good source of energy for people who need it before a workout. However, it might not be ideal for everyone as it can cause issues for people who are trying to get into ketosis (more on this later).

Sugar is another ingredient that you need to watch out for as it’s known to mess with your blood sugar levels and prevent weight loss/gain and other health problems.

In addition to being unhealthy in general, sugar also doesn’t have any nutritional value so there’s no reason why you should add this into your diet if possible! Artificial sweeteners such as sucralose or stevia have been shown by some studies such as this one from Harvard Medical School

that could lead to certain types of cancers including breast cancer among others when consumed regularly over time (as opposed to short periods). This is why we suggest sticking with natural sweeteners like stevia instead: https://www.ncbi

How Much Caffeine Is Too Much 

It depends on the person, but 100-200 mg is a safe amount of caffeine for most people. But remember that there are other ingredients in pre-workout supplements, like creatine (see below) and beta-alanine. The dose of those can affect how you feel about your energy boost so it’s important to check the label before trying out a new supplement.

There’s no definite answer to this question due to the personal nature of each individual who consumes caffeine, but here are some general guidelines:

  • If you’re sensitive or allergic to caffeine or have never taken a lot of it before, start with very low doses and work up slowly over time until you find your sweet spot!
  • Avoid taking more than 400 mg per day if possible—this is equivalent to 4 cups of coffee!

Pre-Workouts Can Support Your Fitness Goals

Pre-workout drinks can be a great way to support your fitness goals and keep your workouts going strong. But, some pre-workout drinks have ingredients that are not keto-friendly and may require you to make some adjustments in order to stay on track with your keto diet.

Pre – Workouts Drinks Contain Hidden Carbs

The most important thing to look for in a pre-workout drink is the total carb count. Some brands will add sugar, which will increase the carb content of the drink significantly (and not just from natural sweeteners like Stevia).

Other products may also contain other types of carbohydrates such as maltodextrin or dextrose which are used as filler ingredients but can also be added by manufacturers to bump up their serving size claims. The one thing all these products have in common? They aren’t keto-friendly!


Thanks for reading! As you can see, there are many things to consider when choosing a pre-workout drink.

We hope this guide has given you some insight into what goes into these products and how they might affect your body. If you’re trying to get healthier and lose weight by following a keto diet, it’s important that you know what’s in your drinks before making the switch from regular caffeine or sugary sports drinks.

By doing this research, you’ll know exactly how much of each ingredient is safe for consumption—and if there are any potential problems with certain ingredients that could interfere with ketone levels(like artificial sweeteners).

About the author
Published by Kieran
A star athlete during his school days, Kieran quickly excelled at sports and in particular; football. Kieran's true passion lies in home exercise equipment, and so was was built as a source for all of Kieran's thoughts to be put down on a medium. Here he guides you through various nuances of working out at home, tips, guides, reviews and more.The only other thing Kieran enjoys more than working out, is writing about it.
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